You can enable Kinship to access your calendar, therefore allowing you to quickly take notes on kin you're going to meet soon, as well as easily add meeting attendees as new kin.

To turn calendar sync on, do the following steps:

- From the dashboard, on the right-upper corner, tap your "kin icon".

- Under the "Power Features" section, tap <Calendar sync>.

- Tap to toggle to turn it on/off, according to your preference.

   - In case you've already denied access to your calendar in the past, you will be sent to iOS settings, so you need to allow there first before changing it under Kinship settings.

- Back on the dashboard, you'll see the "Upcoming meetings" swimlane.

Note: Kinship will read all the calendars setup in your iPhone and will only consider events with at least 2 invitees to show a card on the dashboard.