To add kin to a group (from the "All kin" screen), do the following steps:

- Tap the <Kin> button on the main nav to see all your kin.

- Tap <Select> and select as many kin as you want.

- On the bottom, select the groups they will be added to.

- Tap <Add to groups>.

- You will be redirected to the "All kin" screen and the updates are immediate.

Note: Kinship will ignore this action for kin who already belong to certain groups.

To add kin to a group (from the kin profile screen), do the following steps:

- Open a kin profile.

- Find the "Groups" section and tap the "+" button.

- Tap the group's name from your current list or search for it by typing on the input field atop.

- Optionally, you can also create a new group. Just tap <Create> for a group name that doesn't exist.

- You will be redirected to the kin profile screen containing the updates.

To add kin to a group (from the group screen), do the following steps:

- Open the desired group and see all the existing kin in it.

- Tap <Add Kin to Group>.

- Select as many kin as you want.

- Tap <Add Selected Kin to 'Group name'>.

- You will be redirected to the group screen containing the updates.

To add kin to a group (from the "Upcoming meetings" swimlane), do the following steps:

- On the dashboard, find the "Upcoming meetings" swimlane.

- On the meeting card, tap <Add to group>.

- Select the kin (attendees) you want to add to groups.

- Select the groups they will be added to.

- Tap <Add to group>.

Note: From a meeting card you can add multiple kin to multiple groups at once, however, you cannot create new groups and neither add non-kin to groups (non-kin = meeting attendees who are not your kin).

Note 2: Kinship will ignore this action for kin who already belong to certain groups.